
NIC Faisalabad Incubation Program Eligibility Criteria

  • 1
    Must have an innovative/ unique idea with scalable business model
  • 2
    Preferably an operational startup for at least six-months
  • 3
    StartUp must have Prototype/ MVP/ Marketable Product/ Service
  • 4
    Founding members must commit their full-time to startup at NIC Faisalabad
  • 5
    The team must have at least 2 members. [NIC Faisalabad will incubate up to 3 members per startup (if selected)]
  • 6
    Idea / proposal cannot be for a research project, for lobbying activities or not-for-profit organization
  • 7
    NIC Faisalabad does not select ventures that rely on donations and grants as their main source of revenue
  • 8
    Application must be complete to qualify for the selection process